Photo in Japan

This blog is a class project for my "Visual Anthropology" class; as such it is for educational purpose only. All photos posted here are taken by the blog author unless otherwise noted. If any problem with the posting of a particular photo is brought to my attention, I will earnestly reviwe the problem and remove the photo if necessary.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My recommended places in Hirakata

This topic is my first impression of Japan. However I have been living in Japan since I was born. So, I'd like to introduce Hirakata for foreigners to enjoy living here! In addition to introduction, I'd like to advize you to live in Hirakata. (^0^)b!!

The first picture is "the first line". You might have been to there. There are many stores along the first line. I was surprised this crowded road when I went to the first line for the first time. If you through the street infront of Kansaigaidai, you can go to the first line. It has a 100 yen sushi restaurant that is not kappazushi, UNIQLO, electric stores, Mos burger shop, game store, DVD store and so on. Actually, I took the photo from Mos burger shop. Please find the first line some time.(´ ▽`)ノ★

The second picture is my favorite market in Gotenbyamama where is next to Makino. Makino also has same one. Around Kansaigaidai has many market store. I think Life(ライフ) is the best one. Because quality is better than other small market in spite of price. If you have a chance to cook cultural foods to your friend, please go shopping there. You can go to Makino's Life by bike from seminar houses. If you have a interest in Life, please click here
You can see advertisement of Makino Life untill February 10.


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